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Relief From Allergies and Environmental Sensitivities

Case Study: Continual Crying Two Weeks Before Each Period

Sandi Radomski reports:

"A recent patient has been especially rewarding. She is a bright woman in her early twenties who cried almost continually for two weeks prior to her period. Physicians wanted to put her on Prozac. I treated her for estrogen and progesterone with some relief. The main improvement came when she stopped eating wheat. Her crying stopped and she felt happy throughout the month."




Stefan Gonick, EFT Counselor, Trainer and Mentor, has seven years of training in group therapy, Couples Coaching, Gestalt Therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), EMDR and other body-centered psychotherapies. Stefan has 13 years of experience helping clients heal their emotional issues and as a workshop leader and has been running The Art of Relationship Encounter Group for 8 years.

• Westhampton, MA 01027
(located in Western Massachusetts, near Northampton)
