Internationally acclaimed
EFT Expert, Trainer and Soulmate Attraction Mentor
You really can have the life, love and success you most desire!
Are you struggling with…
Stress, anxiety or trauma?
A critical inner voice that won't give you a break?
Attracting the Love of your life?
Difficult struggles in your relationship?
Experiencing a painful breakup?
Feeling blocked or sabotaging your success in your life or business?
Health issues your doctor can't help you with?

EFT Expert, Trainer &
Soulmate Attraction Mentor
As one of the top EFT practitioners,
I use the Emotional Freedom Technique, Matrix Reimprinting,
and the Ask and Receive method to heal your issues and bust through your blocks quickly and gracefully...
So that you can have the life, love and success you long for!
- I use EFT (aka Tapping
Therapy), which is a powerful tool for rapidly
releasing negative emotions and pain... gently, quickly and
- I have an extremely high success rate helping clients with a wide range of issues, including:
relationship problems, finding love,
blocks to achieving goals in life or business, addictions, as well as
physical pain and other physical conditions (learn
has a proven 90% success rate
and is dramatically faster than other methods
(see EFT research summary)
- I work with people anywhere in the world via EFT sessions by
phone or Zoom!
I have helped over a thousand people lead more
successful, fulfilling and inspiring lives. Let's work together
to create the life you most desire!
Read More Testimonials |
Read Stefan's Story
Are You Ready for Your Own Transformation?
Sign Up for a Complimentary 20 Min. Discovery Session
Let's have a chat about how you can get
the deep healing and transformation you desire so you can have the life
and success you want.
Contact me at
to set up your 20 minute Discovery Session.
Please note: I only have
a limited number of client openings left at this time.
Please contact me for availability.
Interested In EFT Training or Workshops?
upcoming eft workshops & teleclasses VIEW
At our core we all have a great capacity
for joyful living.
the 3 Secrets to
Attracting Amazing Love
I felt more relief from 3 EFT sessions with Stefan than I got from 13 years of talk therapy!
I find Stefan to be gentle, accessible, expertly skilled and exquisitely intuitive.
~ Client Testimonial
Stefan has the most amazingly gentle way of introducing you to yourself. He helped me to soften my painful, negative self judgments.
He showed me that I could touch the broken places inside with compassion, and allow them to heal. Through his insightful, empathic guidance I am opening my heart to joy and love.
~ Phylliss C